The Men’s Meeting @ the Healing Heart Counseling Center.
This meeting will provide you with over a month of counseling in one day, at around half the cost of individual/marital sessions. Please call the office to register @ 318-222-6800.
WHERE: The meeting will be held in Marty Miller’s office where I normally meet with clients.
The Saturday Men’s Meeting will give you the tools, skills, and information that you need to help you live in freedom daily. I believe this will give you a huge boost in your progress towards overcoming.
CLICK HERE for more information about the Men’s Meeting.
This will be a multi-media teaching/skills meeting, with video clips, slides & handouts.
You do not have to talk if you don’t want to. There will be time for questions & answers.
Please let me know if you can come at your earliest convenience for planning purposes. Thanks and I look forward to seeing you there!
Ever ask yourself: “Why do I do the things I do?” God made boys, and men, different. What often starts out as curiosity can quickly become self-destructive.
Without even realizing it, we can quickly find ourselves in deep trouble. But we can find a better path. That’s what the Men’s Meeting is about.
Impulsive and compulsive sexual behavior can include a number of problem areas: pornography, affairs, etc.
SIXTY-FOUR PERCENT (64%) of Christian men admit to being affected in some way by these problems and behaviors. Isolation is what feeds the problem.

“Fellowship is equal to
freedom from lust.”

I will be sharing from a culmination of 20 years of experience treating and researching sexually compulsive behaviors, and seeing how God heals this unique problem.
Remember that you are not alone in your struggles. No matter what your circumstances, God has something for you in this meeting. He binds up the brokenhearted, He sustains those who are weary, and He provides victory for those who have failed but who trust in and follow Him. Has His right arm been shortened? No! He will uphold you with His victorious right arm!
Please be in prayer about what God wants to do in your life and the lives of others in this meeting. Nothing is impossible with God, and nothing is too hard for Him. He has plans for you that you wouldn’t believe if you saw them. He wants to turn your pain and struggles into blessings and strength, in a way that only He can.
What does He ask of you in return? Only to trust Him, to acknowledge that your best thinking is what got you where you are today, and to surrender control of your life to Him. He is an amazing God, abounding in mercy and abundant in grace. He desires to be close to you to pour out His blessings on you and to free you of the chains that are binding you.

If you’ve been before and would like to come for a refresher you are welcome to come at a nominal fee.
Men who have recently attended had this to say:
v “The meeting was comfortable & beneficial.”
v “There were practical guides and tools.”
v “This is a major step toward healing.”
v “I felt very comfortable and relaxed. The atmosphere was non-judgmental and affirming.”
v “This meeting is definitely a tool that helps with the healing process.”
To the question: ”What would you say to someone who knows they need this, but are reluctant to come?”
v “You don’t have to talk, you can just listen.”
v “Just come and listen. You don’t have to share if you are not comfortable. The cost of not coming, doing nothing, or trying to do it on our own, will be more than the cost of coming.”
v “Other men have struggled and do not judge you for your struggle.”
v “It’s worth it.“
v “It’s the first step toward healing.”
Topics addressed in the meeting will include:
v Regaining the trust of others
v Relapse Prevention
v Strengthening the important relationships in your life
v Christ-Centered Tools for recovery and how to use them
v Inoculating yourself against a world of sexual immorality
v How to Break the Cycle
v Unhealthy shame and guilt and how to deal with it
v Dealing with the Need for Approval
v Self-worth and dealing with loneliness and/or rejection
v The Seven Principles of Recovery
v Understanding the effects of sexually compulsive behavior on loved ones
Again, please let me know if you can come at your earliest convenience for planning purposes & your early bird discount; 318-222-6800. Thanks and I look forward to seeing you there!