Get one month of counseling in one day & SAVE 50%!*
There are no “QUICK FIXES,” but this is the next best thing!
- This will be a MULTI-MEDIA teaching meeting, including video clips & slides on a large screen, a 20-30 page packet, and my presentation.
- The meeting will be a safe, confidential environment to simply listen & learn, or ask questions- you don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. Others who are attending are clients I know and trust.
- These are 3-hour teaching meetings designed to give clients specific skills, tools, and information to cope with specific issues.
- Please rest assured that confidentiality is given highest priority.
- Call the office to register or for more info
@ (318) 222-6800 or email: healingheart820@gmail.com
* When compared to the cost of individual or marital counseling.
(You may click on the blue links below for more information about each particular meeting.)
- COMMUNICATION MTG. For couples and individuals experiencing problems communicating or who just want to bring their communication to the next level.
- Learn about gender differences that will help you to know “what is he/she really saying?”
- COOL & CALM MTG. What is anger costing you?
- Learn powerful, time tested, and easy-to-learn techniques to stay cool and calm, even in the most frustrating situations.
- Learn to minimize the damaging effects that anger can have on your relationships and your health.
- Learn to control your anger and channel it to constructive and productive use.
- Learn the Top Ten Thinking Mistakes and Five False Beliefs that cause unnecessary emotional pain and compromise your effectiveness.
- Learn how to correct them, thus getting better control of your mood. Reduce painful emotions like anger, anxiety & sadness.
- Learn to re-program your thinking and beliefs that are acting as an “anchor” in your life, slowing you down and keeping you from fulfilling your potential for Christ and becoming who you were created to be.
- ADHD MTG. For adults with ADHD and their spouses, and for parents of youth with ADHD and mature teens.
- Learn quick and effective tips and methods for handling the symptoms and problems associated with ADHD, including inattention, distractibility, and impulsivity. 119 tips, plus much more!
- THE BOUNDARIES MTG. How to set boundaries and overcome the need for approval.
- Find out how to be assertive and avoid being manipulated or plagued with guilt.
- Set limits and take care of yourself while keeping in balance your responsibilities to others.
- Learn to cope with a loved one who may be self-centered or has an addiction or destructive behavior.
- MEN’S MTG. To help men overcome struggles with sexually compulsive behavior.
- Find the answers to the question “Why do I do the things I do?”
- Gain the tools and information you’ve needed to help you to begin living in freedom every day.
- As always, please rest assured that confidentiality is given the highest priority.
- You will learn what the reasons are that we don’t forgive, what forgiveness is and is not, and what to do about the anger.
- Learn how to get past the hurts that others have caused, how to assess the cost of unforgiveness and much more.
- For those who have experienced losses, including loss of loved ones, health, job, or a miscarriage, broken engagement, financial loss, or divorce.
- Learn tools to recover from the losses you’ve endured and to navigate the stages of grief effectively.
- STRESS, ANXIETY & TIME MANAGEMENT MTG. Stress and anxiety rob you of the peace and serenity that God wants you to have.
- Learn effective tools, techniques, and skills to cope with your stress, reduce your anxiety, and experience more joy and peace.
- Learn to assess your use of time and how to prioritize using time tested skills and tools.
- MARRIAGE MTG. Develop a more conscious marriage by discovering you and your spouse’s “triggers” and “soul wounds.”
- Learn not only how to avoid triggers, but learn how to minister to each other’s soul wounds to create a soul-healing kind of love using God’s power.
- Learn tools and techniques to reduce anger and to bring conflict full circle to where they are productive and help you to feel more understood and appreciated.
I will be sharing the best and most effective skills, tools, and information that I have gathered over the last 20 years through my education, research, and clinical practice. I will share things that I have found to be effective personally and in the lives of those I’ve counseled.
When those who recently attended a Saturday meeting were asked:
“What would you like to say to someone who knows they could benefit from this meeting, but is reluctant to come?”
Here is what a few of them said:
- “Just come and listen. You don’t have to talk. The cost of not coming, doing nothing, or trying to do it on our own, will be more than the cost of coming.”
- “It’s confidential and there are other people like you- you are not alone.”
- “It is confidential, laid back, all those in attendance are non-judgmental because they are in difficult situations also. It provides a wealth of information to equip you in life to bring you out of unhealthy areas.”
- “Just try it one time. You would be amazed at what you come away with.”
- “Don’t be afraid. I believe this class is ‘a healing’ from God. A healing of the mind and heart.”
- “It is good to know that others are dealing with the same issues and also seeking professional help and guidance.”
- “The teaching will help you with real-life situations.”